What is lumbar osteochondrosis?

The waist area of the axial bone bears the greatest stress. As a result, the high frequency of diagnosis of osteochondrosis in this area of the spine is not accidental.
Timely treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis provides an opportunity to avoid a decline in work capacity, quality of life and disability.
Strictly prohibit patients with hypothermia and strong physical activity. Weightlifting, speed skating, jogging, jumping, horse riding, aerobic exercise, motor exercise are contraindications for osteochondrosis.
Causes of diseases
Many external and internal factors cause degenerative dystrophic changes in the intervertebral disc tissue of the axial bone. Symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis include back pain, causing discomfort, discomfort, and stiffness.
In the cause of pathological development, we should pay attention to:
- Because professional athletes and amateur athletes perform job duties, repair work and certain conditions of weightlifting during training, the load on the lumbar spine is increased;
- Perform sharp, complex movements;
- Overweight, can determine the symptoms of lumbar spondylosis in men and women in advance; Hypothermia;
- Wrong posture, resulting in uneven load distribution on the axial skeleton;
- A sedentary lifestyle has a negative impact on elasticity and blood supply to each vertebra;
- Lack of the ability to sit and move correctly;
- Congenital back pathology or back injury caused by sports, falling from a height, traffic accident;
- Lack of a balanced nutritional diet, rich in vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, and does not organize the correct diet, work, and rest programs;
- Often stressful situations;
- Hormonal disorders in pregnant and menopausal women;
- Infringes on the metabolic process in the patient's body;
- Genetic susceptibility, it determines the loose structure of spinal tissues and accelerates their degenerative malnutrition changes;
- The dependence on alcoholic beverages and smoking tobacco products will accelerate the aging process of the human body.
Flat feet, constant wearing of uncomfortable shoes, lack of vitamins, and poor environmental conditions in the surrounding space are also the causes of lumbar osteochondrosis. Excluding many factors will help avoid the development of pathology. When confirming the diagnosis of lumbar osteochondrosis, it is recommended to treat immediately without waiting for complications. Ignoring the advice of qualified experts can lead to back pain and other complications. The vertebral orthopedist knows how to cure lumbar axon osteochondrosis, and quickly provides first aid for severe pain.
Disease symptoms

The lower spine is an important part of the spine. The timely diagnosis of lumbar osteochondrosis recommends starting treatment as soon as possible, thereby eliminating the risk of adverse consequences. Axial skeletal degenerative dystrophy disease has certain symptoms.
The signs of lumbar osteochondrosis are included in a special list. The most common are:
- Unable to perform back bends, torso turns;
- Decreased flexibility and mobility of the lumbar spine can be treated at home as recommended by the doctor;
- Depressed;
- Problems during night rest;
- Increased sweating;
- Tingling and coldness in the lower limbs.
The signs of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine indicate the need to seek the help of a qualified specialist. The vertebral orthopedist will always help cure this disease, improve the life of the patient, and relieve back pain, discomfort, stiffness and discomfort.
Complications of this disease
Without proper treatment, long-term degenerative disc dystrophy changes in the intervertebral discs can lead to complications and disease of the patient's internal organs. Timely diagnosis of lumbar osteochondrosis (the symptoms indicate the need to seek help from a vertebral orthopedist) eliminates the risk of these diseases. Ignoring the advice of the attending physician can lead to new problems in health, well-being and quality of life.
Complications of lumbar osteochondrosis should be treated after diagnosis without waiting for back pain, including:
- Violates the menstrual cycle of women and the sexual behavior of men;
- Varicose veins and foot artery spasm; Abnormal function of genitourinary system;
- Sciatic nerve stimulation and neuralgia;
- The pain is manifested in the kidney area, similar to lumbar back pain;
- protrusions and hernia protrusions of the intervertebral disc and the spine itself;
- Nerve radiculitis, acute and chronic low back pain, disability.
Without proper treatment, the unpleasant consequences of lower back osteochondrosis not only lead to mental disorders, depression and quality of life of surrounding patients, relatives and close relatives, but also to the patient. They also want information on how to determine osteochondrosis.
Stages of disease
When asked if it can cure lumbar osteochondrosis, the vertebral orthopedist provided a positive answer, provided that they seek timely medical help. They distinguish the four stages of the development of the disease, each stage manifests itself at a certain time and has its own unique characteristics. These include:
- The first stageThe pathological feature is mild pain, which is aggravated by physical exertion, discomfort in the waist area, and begins to destroy the intervertebral disc;
- The second stage of the disease, which is characterized by pathological changes in the annulus fibrosus, compression of the nervous system, resulting in a reduction in the distance between the vertebrae, and severe pain caused by lumbar osteochondrosis;
- The third stage of the disease, its signs include severe destruction of the annulus fibrosus, the formation of intervertebral disc protrusions, and the obvious deformation of the axial bones;
- The fourth stage of the diseaseis characterized by serious problems with patients’ exercise capabilities. These patients are forced to treat lumbar and leg osteochondrosis at home or on the inner wall of a hospital and are at risk of disability.
Pathological diagnosis
Patients are advised to know which doctor is treating osteochondrosis of the spine and how to treat osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine at home. After collecting the medical records, the chiropractors conduct external examinations on the patients and stipulate the channels for diagnostic measures. Their list includes:
- Clinical, biochemical blood test;
- Magnetic resonance imaging, based on the use of electromagnetic radiation, provides absolutely painless and harmless examination of the back of lumbar osteochondrosis.
Modern diagnostic methods are one of the most useful research methods. Their results lay the foundation for confirming the diagnosis of lumbar osteochondrosis, the symptoms of which indicate back problems, and also provide an opportunity to prescribe the correct treatment of axial bone pathology.
How to treat osteochondrosis and how to eliminate its symptoms
A vertebral surgeon who knows how to treat lumbar osteochondrosis at home will always help patients with the disease. After receiving the examination results of the pathological area of the spine, many measures can be taken to reduce the symptoms of the disease and prevent the occurrence of complications. Taking into account the patient's age category and the structural characteristics of the axial bones, a treatment plan for lumbar osteochondrosis was developed. It has also been determined that allergies can be manifested in the context of medication.
The main measures aimed at effective treatment of osteochondrosis include:

- Drug therapy, based on the intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid protectors, muscle relaxants, vitamin complexes, phytoremediation;
- Implement blockade to eliminate the severe pain of lumbar osteochondrosis, and its symptoms and treatment methods have their own characteristics;
- It is recommended to conduct water treatment and stretch the axial skeleton regularly;
- Medical massage;
- Exercise therapy is designed to strengthen the muscle framework and make the vertebrae more active regardless of how to treat lumbar spine chondropathy;
- Use traditional medicine recipes.
The treatment of low back osteochondrosis under the background of balanced and balanced diet. Rejecting bad habits is also a necessary measure to prevent the development of diseases. Orthopedics prevention of lumbar osteochondrosis provides an opportunity to avoid surgery.